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Institute for Cultural Connections

Learning to connect - Connecting to Learn


The Institute for Cultural Connections is a student-centered, faculty-driven initiative to enrich education through culture benefiting OPE电子竞技官网 and our surrounding community.


  1. Instruct: To enable faculty to enhance learning and curriculum through culture.

  2. Cultivate: To expand students’ experience through cultural encounters.

  3. Connect: To encourage the development, preservation and display of culture in our community.


Instruct—To enable faculty to enhance learning and curriculum through culture.

To accomplish this, we will:

  • Create and maintain a cultural calendar for the college and community.

  • Create a location where teachers can share information about guest speakers.

  • Develop a database to serve as a repository for cultural artifacts, speakers, lesson plans and faculty and student research.

  • Sponsor a cultural training seminar for OPE电子竞技官网 faculty.

  • Facilitate multi-cultural/cultural events on campus.

  • Host an annual culture conference at OPE电子竞技官网.


  • We honor Omaha's rich and diverse tapestry of cultures, woven over the years by many people, by seeking to preserve their experiences.

  • We challenge students to develop a life-long love of learning based in their wealth of cultural experience.

  • We nurture a more harmonious college and community by helping our students acquire the education, skills and resources necessary to prosper in a global and multi-cultural world.


Cultivate—To expand students' experience through cultural encounters. 

To accomplish this, we will:

  • Provide discounted tickets through area arts and cultural organizations.

  • Subsidize student attendance at cultural events.

  • Coordinate and subsidize transportation to selected events.

  • Invite students to share their unique cultural experiences through activities sponsored by the ICC.

  • Secure funding/grant support to promote multicultural programming.

  • Encourage student attendance at the ICC's annual cultural conference.


Connect—To encourage the development, preservation and display of culture in our community.

To accomplish this, we will:

  • Create and maintain a cultural calendar for the college and community.

  • Develop a database to serve as a repository for cultural artifacts.

  • Coordinate a community cultural advisory council.

  • Facilitate community multi-cultural and cultural events.

  • Collaborate with students/faculty from other institutions.

  • Collaborate with faculty and others on research projects.

  • Maintain a map of multi-cultural community locations, such as restaurants, churches etc.

Upcoming Events

Events will be posted to the calendar after being reviewed by the ICC.

Contact Us


To submit a new event, contact one of our faculty members: